風生水起 玉貴人 [E] [X]
[ 2013/8/4 下午 06:38:54 ]

 緬甸國至由2010年經濟對外開放後,軍方更甚掌握了玉料的開採及分配量!至使...........玉料年年以乘倍數的飛漲,甚使市場價格大亂.回不去了.造成買賣雙方極至的辛苦,所以:有能力的人可將此興趣轉化成一種增值投資.  )

何哉緬甸玉 :




Burmese jade of He

The jade is planted
(plant) Mean the texture of the emerald, it was spoken on the market to the most basic description of a piece of emerald products that too old kind, new kind, glass plant, ice plant, egg white, beans plant, oil blue and green, orchid, blue ink, fine ink,etc. trade names traditionally!  But because these commercial names need to depend on emerald in fact ?Crystal ?One is big or small with these ?The handing in of one ?The relation is ?Main reason for making the commercial variety of emerald. ((Fei .... I.e.  the form is crimson and yellow /Green ....  I.e.  the jade green of form) 

Flood peak
" water " is the important factor on appraisal of emerald, yes ?Commonly called as the high getting the flood peak foot of transparency of " flood peak ", such emerald seems brilliant ?Bright, ?People are like the bright and intelligent sense ?,And the universe of emerald poor in transparency is astringent, stiff, ?People are with the sense of Palestine of Palestine of the universe ?,It is bad to get the flood peak, water is insufficient. The transparent intensity of the emerald can be roughly divided into transparent, more transparent, more semitransparent, more sub-translucent! The more transparent the emerald is, ?The higher its value is.

Jade person, beauty of stone even
High-quality malachite produce in mountain area, north of Burma, mostly, tough, put jade article on dry. Lower than the freezing point or higher than the environment under 1000 degrees Fahrenheit, will not be out of shape or change the color!  Jade 久藏於地表下,受天地靈氣及各種礦物質孕育.滲透,而演變成不同的色澤,如綠色(銅類.氧化鉻等).Black (mercury. Oxidize iron,etc.)  Purple. Yellow (oxidize copper.  Iron.  Tin,etc.)  ,It is influenced that intricate each other, change all the time, fascinating! 



以上圖像為緬甸標場之景象 ( 前幾年進標場約5-10萬人民幣,

現2013年進場費用需50萬人民幣 )!!!! 我把世界上最珍貴的資

產當成常識知識供獻在各位眼前,希望開開眾生之眼界! 別忘

